Sunday, May 4, 2008

Unit 7

- This unit is about dieting. It covers the issue relating to the phenomenon of weight control and issues relating to physical and mental health. The text is taken from ‘what you can change and what you can’t’ in The complete guide to self-improvement, by Martin Selingman.

- It is to warn audience who concerned about their weight and to inform them the danger of weight-loss-programs. He also argues that weight loss product simply does not work. It also exposes audience about bulimia and natural weight. Natural weight prevents you from gaining too much weight or loosing too much. Bulimia is women who too concerned and obsess about their body. They are usually normal in weight or a bit on a thin side but they are terrified of becoming fat. That makes them diet, exercise, take laxatives by the cup. After they eat, they will vomit and take more laxatives. This will lead to Bulimia and to overcome this problem, they need to have treatment by therapists.

- As a conclusion, the best way to lose weight is by exercise and not over dieting. The important thing is to take more vegetables and fruits.

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