Sunday, May 4, 2008

Unit 6

- For unit 6, I apply everything I have learned before about the 10 elements. There are a lot of skills in learning this before and in this unit, I apply it all.

- In this unit, I learned the article of ‘Invasion of the baby snatchers’. It is about child abductions that rampant. With the help from media mass that deputized thousands of citizens at a stroke. It has succeeded in bringing home a child or two which is, at least something. Even though the number of kidnapped children is rising, but the number of kids abandoned by parents, dumped onto social services or left in the care of irresponsible adults are also increase but these children does not rate headline.

- there are a lot of things that need to be care not only what has shown in the media but the things that outside the media like what has been said in paragraph above.

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