Sunday, May 4, 2008

Unit 8

- Unit 8 is about the ‘Drugs or Guns’ article which is about the South African’s President, Thabo Mbeki who faces two controversies which is between arms and AIDS. He prefers to buy guns than national anti-AIDS program. That make his credibility is at stake. Crawford Browne argues that the government act irrationally and unconstitutionally. He’s societies is condemning him because he looks like he did not care about the societies. But he has his own reasons. Which are the guns is for the country safeties from outside danger. But he also should realize that his societies is facing a big problem relating to drugs and need his support and help. While Thabo Mbeki think that arms acquisitions are necessary, but the country real war is against AIDS.

- He needs to be more aware with every decision he make. It is to avoid unsatisfied among the societies. Furthermore, he as a president should have thought a better way to overcome these problems.

Unit 7

- This unit is about dieting. It covers the issue relating to the phenomenon of weight control and issues relating to physical and mental health. The text is taken from ‘what you can change and what you can’t’ in The complete guide to self-improvement, by Martin Selingman.

- It is to warn audience who concerned about their weight and to inform them the danger of weight-loss-programs. He also argues that weight loss product simply does not work. It also exposes audience about bulimia and natural weight. Natural weight prevents you from gaining too much weight or loosing too much. Bulimia is women who too concerned and obsess about their body. They are usually normal in weight or a bit on a thin side but they are terrified of becoming fat. That makes them diet, exercise, take laxatives by the cup. After they eat, they will vomit and take more laxatives. This will lead to Bulimia and to overcome this problem, they need to have treatment by therapists.

- As a conclusion, the best way to lose weight is by exercise and not over dieting. The important thing is to take more vegetables and fruits.

Unit 6

- For unit 6, I apply everything I have learned before about the 10 elements. There are a lot of skills in learning this before and in this unit, I apply it all.

- In this unit, I learned the article of ‘Invasion of the baby snatchers’. It is about child abductions that rampant. With the help from media mass that deputized thousands of citizens at a stroke. It has succeeded in bringing home a child or two which is, at least something. Even though the number of kidnapped children is rising, but the number of kids abandoned by parents, dumped onto social services or left in the care of irresponsible adults are also increase but these children does not rate headline.

- there are a lot of things that need to be care not only what has shown in the media but the things that outside the media like what has been said in paragraph above.

Unit 5

- In this unit, I know how to emphasized the role played by audience, which is who is the intended audience in the article and I can find what is the impact towards the audience.

- I found that reading 5.1 about ‘Australia’s Methadone Mess’ is quite interesting. It exposes readers about the use of methadone without limit can give bad effect towards the users. Australia’s heroin addicts are now among the world’s highest per-capita consumers of methadone.

-Other than that, the article of ‘Out of puff’ article is also interesting, especially for women who smokes. In this article, it is to inform people what is the disadvantages of smoking and the effect towards smokers. But the article also tells how to avoid and stop smoking.

- The most difficult thing to understand in this unit is about exposition. Which are the types of exposition is confusing and quite hard to understand.

Unit 4

- In unit 4, I add layers of skills on what is argument and it also expose me on how to find out what evidence supports it.

- First reading in this unit, which is ‘Body Language that speaks to muggers’ is quite interesting. It is about the way we walk that can attract muggers. It is like important information because nowadays there are loads of muggers and this will led us to be more careful. There are few of movement’s characterized easy victims which is their strides were either too long or too short, they moved awkwardly, raising their left legs with their left arms and so on. Overall, the people rated most muggable walked as if they were in conflict with themselves.

-The most interesting information I found in this unit is the statistics, because it tend to associate facts closely with figures and systematically collected and properly analyzed.

Unit 3

- In this unit, I learned about ‘Please let me go to your school’ article. The article is about discrimination of 6 years old Scarlett Finne against the Hills Grammar School. The school did not practice what they should and the parent is condemning the school. Scarlett Finne was born with a lesion in her spike that has caused paralysis of the feet and incontinence. But she is very brave and independence.

-Basically it shows that no matter what is our weakness, we should take it positively and life must go on. Disable does not mean that we cannot prove anything but we must be hard working.

Unit 2

- In this unit, I found that ‘Battling the bully’s article is very interesting. Me, myself can be the intended audience because I have a small little sister and I’m very afraid if she face the same problems.

- In this unit, I also learned about language, perspective and ideology. I know how to characterize the writer’s view point from the text but when it comes to reveal the ideology or perspective from which it is written, to see if I can think of a recent new story that has been reported from different perspective in different news sources is quite hard.

- As a conclusion, we have to make notes of the way in which the language used to create a text can reveal the ideology or perspective from which it is written.